69 Avenue de France, 74000 Annecy

+33 (0)4 50 23 75 74


Identity of the website publisher

Postal address : 69 Avenue de France, 74000 ANNECY. France.
Phone: +33 (0)4 50 23 75 74
Email: hotel@hotelnovel.com
Registered with the RCS (corporate and trade register) under SIREN number: 322151291
SIRET number: 32215129100026
APE business identifier code: 5510Z
Share capital / capital stock: 7622.45 EURO
Registered VAT number: FR11322151291

Managing editor of the website, and legally responsible: Mr & Mrs BAIO

Hosted by: OVH

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all of the information on this site may be downloaded, reproduced or printed, on the condition that:
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Photographs are curtesy of :

Office de tourisme du Lac d’Annecy (the tourist office of Lake Annecy)
Hôtel Novel

Alain Bouvet

Royalty free images on Wikimedia: Helena C/ GSeguin/Amagill

The right of access to information
In accordance with the Informatique et Liberté (the French data protection act) regulation No. 78-17, dated January 6, 1978, this website has been registered with the CNIL (the French national authority regulating data protection).
In accordance with the Informatique et Libertés regulation No. 78 – 017, dated January 6, 1978, you have a right of access, rectification and opposition to the sharing of any personal information, by contacting the Hôtel Novel, 69 avenue of France, 74000 Annecy, France.

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The Terms of Use between Novel Hôtel and the users are subject to French law and any litigation that may fail to be settled outside of court will be brought before the competent courts of Annecy.